About Basic Tenets

We understand that no two people carry the exact same understandings.  Even within a similar background, concepts vary based on each person’s experience, perspective, past life, family lineage, and so on.  This is good, it makes us strong as a human collective.  However, because of our ability to be so diverse, please realize that this website and the concept of being a Crystal Weaver may not resonate with you.  We list the basics of our tenets here so all can choose whether to engage with us or move on.

If this resonates, we are happy to have you enjoy our site and our offerings.

If this does not resonate with you, blessings to you as you sojourn life upon your own tenets which serve you best.

Basic Tenets

Here are the basic tenets that we built our lives around, base the mission of Crystal Weavers upon, and support our readers/members in developing within their own lives.

  • Everything is energy.  As such, everything follows the laws of physics; laws of attraction, laws of magnetism, oscillating harmonics, and the like.
  • There is an energetic source of all, called many names: Source, God, The Divine, Universal Energy, Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, Allah, Goddess, Father, Mother, Spirit, Lord, … on and on.
  • This Source, we refer to in our terminology as: Spirit, Divine, God/Goddess, Pure Source, Great Spirit.
  • This Source is the culmination of every-thing and no-thing simultaneously
  • We each are sovereign Beings with the right to stand in our own sovereign authority
  • Cosmic Law states each being has “Free Will Choice”.  We each have the right to choose.  Period. We encourage people to exercise this right.
  • We chose our parents when we chose to be born a human on this planet at this time
  • No one is a victim of circumstance
  • We manifest reality through intentions (thoughts, fears, prayers, emotions) and through energetic impulses (knowings, understandings)
  • Life and everything in it is cycles and patterns
  • There are many, many levels of consciousness; also called dimensions or paradigms; there are beings that live at every level; each of us has aspects of ourselves at different dimensions making us multi-dimensional beings
  • There is no such thing as coincidence.  There are synchronicities. Everything happens for a reason
  • Life is for the purpose of experience and growth as a soul-being to move into Being Whole (Holy).  It is a movement towards the deep knowing of everything and no-thing simultaneously.  Call it bliss, one’s True Divine Nature, or simply ‘Being’.
  • Reincarnation is a fact.  Past lives influence our reactions, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors.
  • Genetic memories embedded in our DNA from the family we chose to be born into (ancestral lineage) influence us via perceptions, fears, assumptions.
  • Everything is energy and follows the laws of physics.  As such, matter cannot be destroyed, it simply changes form.  Therefore, when a person dies, they leave their physical, material form and pass on to another level in a different form at another dimension.  Death is actually the act of energetic transformation.
  • Everything we think, feel, and do creates an energetic output that weaves an intricate grid around us and beyond us.  It reaches to others who we think about and interact with.  This is how we can create a beautiful new way of Being.  That said, the old energetic grid-work can hang like dusty cobwebs.  So, much energy work revolves around sweeping away these proverbial cobwebs in order to make room for the new.
  • Thoughts, feelings, and actions based on compassion, neutrality, integrity, and love create energetic weaves of high vibration. We call this a ‘Crystal Weave’.  Energy of lower caliber create low vibration weaving that will need to be repaired sometime in the future.