About What We Do

We specialize in creating and holding space for new beginnings.

It sounds rather esoteric and energetic at first glance.  There are those who specialize in offerings that sound more tangible like herbal remedies, yoga, massage, sacred grid work, astrology, shamanic healing, on and on. Yet, as Crystal Weavers, creating and holding space for new beginnings becomes tangible through our daily living.  It becomes the art of manifestation.  Everything that a person starts is a form of creation and a new beginning.  Doing so with focus and intention leads to building the life you choose, versus a life others push upon you.  Being a Crystal Weaver is a highly effective way to make changes and manifest what is desired in your daily life.  It is the art of manifesting the life for which you are worthy, the life that is aligned with your highest purpose.

Through the philosophy of assisting others to become their own Crystal Weavers, we refrain from telling others how to live their life.  We allow them to fully experience life through the heavy lifting that is sometimes required.  And, we encourage others to learn their own unique skills, expand their consciousness to understand broader concepts, and engage life at ever-deeper levels.

Lila’s service of assisting Beings with their energetic work might include such things as:

  • Release old patterns, transmute the energy into Light, and upshift into a new expanded perspective
  • Proclaim any and all harmful vows, contracts, agreements as Null-and-Void.  This frees them of past burdens and opens quantum space to bring in new beginnings
  • Unlock an energetic block that has caused physical dis-ease
  • Remove energetic cordings that were placed by others, create a unique plan on how to prevent future cords, and teach how to remove any future cordings should they occur
  • Harness entities of heavy, ill-intention that have done harm, and send them off planet to be cleansed and transmuted into Light
  • Convince ghosts to move off the physical material plane and into the Light to be cleansed and reunited with family who await them
  • Provide Light Workers of other Realms with an energetic Light bath that frees them from the heaviness of this Downfall World we all currently live in.  After their Light bath, they can then return to their work of assisting Earth and her occupants with shifting out of the Epoch of Suffering and into the Epoch of Coalescence
  • Awaken sections of Earth’s electro-magnetic substructure when guided to do so. Next, assist other Light Workers with clearing and cleansing the space, and then hold space for new beginnings as it is connected to her new Crystal Matrix
  • Assist humans in establishing clear and ever-present personal energetic boundaries of protection versus reactive boundaries of defense

We provide the tools and a safe place for you to explore new perspectives.  We teach you how to learn who you are and how to strengthen your own personal wisdom. Through consulting sessions, we provide a channel of energy that allows you to release that which no longer serves you and allows you to bathe in the rebirth of a new beginning.  During these sessions, we work with your higher levels of consciousness.  We provide any wisdom that may have been blocked, and when appropriate, we explore the unique way that you hear so you can do your own “self-reading” going forward.

You as a human have the right to choose.  Choose to engage us via our consulting sessions, read our ‘Of Time and Place’ blog, participate in the downloadable materials (coming soon), read our articles from ancient wisdom, and/or follow us on social media.  Whatever calls to you and feeds your higher passion.  As a result, you become equipped to be a true sovereign authority and make decisions that are best for you.  You become prepared to do the heavy lifting, growing ever more confident in your own wisdom. You become your own best counselor and advocate.

Enjoy our site and enjoy becoming your own Crystal Weaver.