Lila is here for you with Private Guidance

Sep 2022, Full Moon Ceremony on Lake Ontario, New York, USA

Connect Your Higher Dimensions

Integrate Your Aspects

You know they are there, waiting to be noticed, recognized, acknowledged, supported.  Your Higher Dimensional aspects of ALL YOU ARE.

You know they may be heavily burdened with memories and emotions from many past lives of struggle and suffering. Or they may have released all of this as you did your work.

You know they are a piece of you, higher levels of consciousness that are ready to awaken, connect, and become an integrated part of your WHOLENESS.  This is the process of becoming a Whole Being.   

Perhaps some of them feel like a young person, a child even.  This is the weight of their world upon them that keeps them seemingly immature, small, helpless, locked in place. Once we begin acknowledging that higher aspect of you and providing the necessary support, they will shed the heaviness and quickly mature.  Soon that aspect will be the full-fledged Essence that is fully empowered; strong, wise, sovereign.  

Perhaps some of them feel more powerfully benevolent and unconditionally loving than you ever imagined possible. Meet them and find out.

And perhaps some of them are actually Earth Goddexes. Learn more about this on our Earth Goddex Rising page.

And then, the momentous event occurs.  This vital piece of you takes their rightful place and steps firmly into your Crystalline Light structure.  You ARE NOW THE ASPECT and THE ASPECT IS NOW YOU.  You have merged, coalesced.  All their strengths and abilities are now part of your organic presence.  

Ever-deeper wisdom pours into you because this merged piece of you has its own connection, its own thread to your Highest Self, your Creator Source.  And when fully integrated, your conduit to Creator Source naturally integrates.  And therefore, your conduit becomes an ever thicker energetic thread, allowing a larger flow of eternal wisdom, Divine Knowing, and your Truth.    

This is the pathway to becoming a Whole Being.   

One essential part at a time, one higher dimensional aspect of you at a time. 

One beautiful, vital piece of you at a time.

With each awakened and integrated piece of your Wholeness, you become stronger, ever-more solidly grounded, anchored into the deepest knowing of who you are.  

There is no longer need to look external for answers, validation, permission.  

For you ARE all you need. 


The process of awakening, healing, and integrating a vital soul fractal takes time, patience, and unconditional love.  The awakening to your higher dimensional aspects is a critical step in your becoming Whole.  

It takes neutrality, shifts in perspective, reaching deep to dissolve that which holds this piece of you petrified in place.    

Lila has several years of experience assisting others in this process. 

With your permission, Lila connects with your Higher Self to receive key messages at junctures along the way.  She neutrally and compassionately receives pieces of wisdom that assists in removing blocks, lifting the heaviness, forgiving those past-life memories, and releasing cycles that are now harmful.

Lila can recognize those people, beings, and/or entities who have a contract with you to keep you in cycles (of suffering, trauma, emotional gridlock) until you have learned every possible lesson and are strong enough to break free.  And Lila assists in finding the path to breaking the cycle and proclaiming these contracts complete.  

Lila works in the highest of virtues.  She will be honest, frank, clear on the what’s and how’s of your process.  Through humility, she holds her own sovereignty so that she has no interference with your process.  Lila is a vessel of Pure Divine guidance specific to you and where you are in the process.  

Lila is expert at holding space of neutrality for others.  This allows you to experience extreme clarity on issues that had been solid blocks previously.  It brings a deep sense of calm into the sessions.  And it allows you to leave each session feeling peaceful, strong, and inspired to take the next step(s).  

Lila follows her own Divine Guidance on when to apply energetic assistance; wiping your slate clean so you can see your optimal path, clearing energetic cobwebs so you feel free to take big leaps, instilling shifts in perspective so you can understand the simplicity of the situation, proclaiming contracts complete so you can finalize harmful relationships and move on with your life.   And, Lila follows your Higher Self’s requests in how she optimally assists you energetically.


This experience is for you if you: 

  • have reached a plateau in your ascension process and are ready for that next level
  • sense other aspects of yourself at other dimensions and you are ready to engage
  • have a life-long pattern that you struggle to resolve
  • worked on your ascension/awakening process and now sense a piece of you internal that is yearning to be helped (your work has brought you to the layer/level where this aspect of you resides) 
  • called back (via the Call Back Mudra) an aspect of you that is struggling to harmonize with the rest of you
  • feel there is a (or multiple) dark entities who are within your energetic structure causing you harm, holding you in place, manipulating your Divine path 

When you choose to commit to this process, you set yourself upon a path of Divine awakening and integration of soul fractals and higher levels of your consciousness.  You are committing to resolving any and all issues related to this in order to move closer to being WHOLE .  

For some, this process takes months.  For others, years.  It depends on the extent that these aspects of you is intertwined with levels and layers of memories, emotions, or heavy debris.  It depends on how much time you have in your daily life to dedicate to this process.  It depends on your physical vessel’s strength and wherewithal to handle this process.  These are all things we can discuss in the introductory session.  


Hourly: $125   

On an as-needed, by appointment basis. We honor this option for those that it serves best.

This works best for those who are working diligently on their own upshiftment process and wanting a bit of assistance at critical moments.  

Monthly:  $1,000 

Lila creates a container for you that keeps her energetically connected and holding space for you.  This gives you the freedom to be your sovereign authority while feeling her caring, nurturing support.  

Lila makes herself available on a very regular basis.  She dedicates time to you and your process via ongoing calls and texts of support.  She makes space for you to do your own work.  And then regular check-ins to assure your process is moving along an optimal path. 

This monthly fee is on a month-to-month basis which gives you or Lila the flexibility to end the connection (and close the container) whenever is best suited for your process, experience, and optimal path.  

Payment is required in advance. 

Specifically, this monthly option includes:

  • a weekly Zoom session that lasts 1-2 hours depending on what is occurring on your path
  • Ongoing texts of support
  • unscheduled calls if the situation arises (Lila provides this option knowing situations arise. And, she asks that you honor her time by using this option on a very rare basis)


To learn more, reach out to Lila for a free 30-minute introductory session.  

 “I am here to assist you in your upshiftment process, awaken your inner Goddex, and integrate your soul fractals so you can become Whole.”

Lila Crystal-Goddex

 Email.    lila at