New Beginnings Session

Take a deep breath, relax, and focus solely on you for the next hour.  All of you, at all levels, all dimensions.

Via Skype or other video-conferencing medium, Lila conducts these sessions in a highly protected space, from a high integrity place of neutrality.  Lila has a gift of holding sacred divine space for a person to step into The VOID and experience a release, rebirth, and a knowing of one’s truth.

Sink into this guided meditation.  Allow the Divine energy of Pure Love surround you in a completely safe container.  Your guides, guardians, and higher aspects of Self are called in to assist.  You are encouraged to release all that no longer serves you through a Release-Recycle process as you bathe in energy of loving acceptance.  Then as this process comes to completion, you are again gently and energetically guided. You are guided to seek a new beginning.  Your own Holy Spirit column is illuminated as you bathe in the Divine void of no-thing and every-thing.  Witness your True Self and see your highest purpose as you dance energetically with your higher selves.  Allow a deep remembering settle within you: who you are,  your true path, your highest purpose.  Bring that knowing into your heart to carry with you out of the guided meditation.

This guided meditation takes approximately 30 minutes.  After the session, you are encouraged to take an additional 30 minutes to integrate what you experienced.

Lila explains:

  • Much of what is experienced is at a higher vibration than what our logical mind can comprehend.  So, you may not be able to put into words what you felt or what you learned.  However, it comes as a very deep wisdom through your heart that you can feel and simply know.  This wisdom will assist you in knowing your true path and making decisions aligned with your highest purpose.  This wisdom will come to you as thoughts, daydreams, or perhaps night-time dreams.  None the less, you will be more connected to your higher self and your true path.
  • I have noticed that those participants who are fairly new to energetic integration (new to feeling and observing energies) may think they feel less or may believe they didn’t feel anything during their first New Beginnings Session.  That’s okay.  The interaction actually occurs at levels beyond our 3-D reality.  Though a person’s 3-D self, through their 3-D perspective, may have felt nothing, a great deal occurred at higher levels.  And, these sessions assist in awakening a person to those levels.
  • I have observed that those participants who are awakening to their authentic, energetic self gain a great deal from these sessions.  They are aware of the higher levels that these sessions take them to, and they work diligently to use each moment of the session to release, bathe, and renew.  After integrating this work, they are again ready to walk a steady path as a way-shower of the new crystal paradym in their own lives, in their own way, on their own path, in their own sovereign authority;  Crystal Weavers in the true definition of the phrase.