Sacred Waters Series – Goddex Great Waters

Hello Dear Friends,

It has been quite some time since I posted a blog. Much has occurred in the meantime, and I want to share some with you. As you know, I never quite know why I am going where I am called. I just trust, pack my things, and go. This time it was to meet Goddex Great Waters.

Great Lakes Tour

During the month of September, I had quite an amazing time as my Spirited Adventures took me all around the Great Lakes Region of the United States. This month-long journey took me from Lake Superior in Minnesota to Lake Ontario in New York State. And then all around the other Great Lakes via the U.S. shorelines.

Upon my return to my home in Minnesota, I was passionately focused on documenting this adventure because of its significance in honoring and awakening the waters for our entire planet!! The documenting resulted into a mini-series of videos called “The Great Lakes Tour — Sacred Waters Series”

This series was released via our YouTube channel throughout October.

Blessings that you have time to watch these short videos. They describe the history of our planet’s pure Spirit of water, explain the significance of the Great Lakes, the waterlines, and provide documentation of the ceremonial awakening of these waters for you to witness.


The moon ceremonies were conducted on each of the Great Lakes. I hope you had the opportunity to experience them via our YouTube channel:

Each ceremony was special and built the wisdom and energy towards what later became a powerful upshiftment for the entire region.

At Lake Ontario, I was called to pick up 4 rocks from her shoreline. Little did I realize at that time that these 4 rocks would play a very significant part in the coalescing of all the waters of all these Great Lakes. Taking each step in trust, I ended up gifting each of these rocks to the other 4 Great Lakes at the end of each of the Moon Ceremonies. Ultimately, these ‘gifting’ blessings became ceremony in and of themselves.


A significant piece of the Great Lakes adventure was initiating the awakening of Pure Spirit of Water: Great Waters. As the video series explains (video: “1 – Ancient History”), she receded deep below Earth’s surface in the Great Lakes region millions of years ago.

My visiting the region and holding ceremonies culminated a long-building resonance that calls her forth…. its not only me of course… it has been building via the work of the indigenous peoples and other light workers for quite some time. My Spirited Adventure into that area was the culminating of all that has transpired.

Coinciding with the rising of “Pure Spirit – Great Waters”, our work also initiated the wakening of the WaterLines. The waterlines are like the blood vessels of our Mother Earth. They carry the Pure Spirit of Water from the Great Lakes region throughout the planet. (explained in video: “5 – Water Lines”)

Towards the end of my Great Lakes Tour, I received Divine Guidance that I was to follow one of those waterlines from the Great Lakes region to Easter Island. I knew I was going to Costa Rica for a woman’s retreat the end of October… the guidance showed me that I would stay in the Costa Rica — Caribbean Coastal region — for a few weeks and then move to Easter Island.

Spirited Adventures — “Great Waters – Americas Tour”

Again, unaware of the complete ‘why’ behind where I am called, I simply trust. Rather than packing for a 10 day trip to Costa Rica, I packed for a several-months-long Spirited Adventure into the unknown “Americas Tour”.


I invite you to come along as I travel throughout the Americas, specifically following the waterline that leads to Easter Island. Currently in Costa Rica, tomorrow I move to Panama for a week. And then I will travel to Easter Island via Santiago, Chile. My intention is to keep you updated on the Spirited Adventure of this. I sense there will be times when your energetic assistance will be beneficial to the clearing of the waterline and the calling forth Pure Spirit “Great Waters”.

Please stay in touch and send me any messages, wisdom, ponderings that you have. We are all in this together.

Love and blessings,



#spiritedadventures #Lila @lila_crystal-goddex @crystalweavers #awakening #sacredwater #sacredwaters #ascension #waterlines #greatwaters

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